Participate in the selection of Miss Indonesia 2010 event became an important moment for finalists from North Sumatra, Cut Nabila. Because, with so he could show his talent and his talent, including attention to their own cultural homelands.

Interestingly, this model also finalists who are candidates for doctors who are currently enrolled as a medical student at North Sumatra University (USU). Intention to show an interest in the cultural area, at least during the evening accomplished artistic talent and culture, where Nabila brought a number of local dance.

Movement is quite flexible when it is above the stage. "There are many areas in North Sumatra dance, from dance Karo, Malay, to Nias, each different, and I am interested to dig," he said. No wonder, when you're talking about the dance area, Nabila can mengurainya at length without interruption.

One by one type of dance explained to very detailed. According to him, by finding out and studying, he became more aware of the wealth of cultural and artistic traditions.

The desire to be able to dance, is recognized Nabila, started from a concern over not many young people who want to know the art of its own country